A Miraculous Turn of Events

I can’t really explain how this happened, but everything changed today. The infection seems to have hit some terminal point in its lifespan, and it released the population in its grip. It’s as though everyone woke up from after some blackout drinking with a terrible hangover. Two of the infected that we were racing just previously have woken up and apparently know each other. We brought them inside and made them some tea. They are wonderful conversationalists and quite thankful for our hospitality. They don’t even seem to mind that we killed a couple of their friends. We can be thankful to know that society as a whole doesn’t need to halt entirely. Things just might get back to normal.

I would like to caution you, if you are, for example, hiding in the midst of a giant horde, itching to run outside and greet your resurrected comrades that none of this is true. April fools. Hope you didn’t die.