
I was in my basement apartment on the computer for the first few days of the outbreak. The Internet was the last zombie free zone, but I didn’t know that at the time. I spent those days living off some top ramen I had left over from my last semester in college and was really invested in a video game marathon. To be honest, I wasn’t really stuck, as much as just kind of in hiding from the world. In fact, I didn’t even know there was an apocalypse until my friends arrived. From what I heard, there was a fairly impressive hoard in my area, and my at-the-time best friend, David, and two girls I knew in college thought I needed rescuing. They cleared the area, and I hosted them in my basement for a day or two with all the ramen they could eat as an apology. I was in need of supplies, and we made a mobile base camp in David’s car for a while. He had one of those weird vans that you can stick a mattress in the back of. He was really into the gay clubbing scene. Having your apartment parked outside was a plus. We raided a local super and stocked a bag full of essential non-perishables, but we set off what was probably the last alarm in Phoenix and had the entire zombified staff on us. A hoard of cashiers rushed me while I was at the beer freezer which happened to be at the back of the supermarket by the largest double doors. Rotten luck. They ran for the car, but I couldn’t get out fast enough. My friends made it to the car and were being swarmed and had no choice but to go. By the time I got out, they were already gone. I don’t blame them for leaving, but we were drifting apart before then, and I was honestly relieved to be alone again. I made a pretty loud racket taking out the zombies; I hadn’t learned to avoid attracting hordes yet. As dumb luck would have it, Rok was within earshot of me, and he helped me out with some well placed Molotov cocktails. I met Rok in college, but we hadn’t spoken since junior year. I was really very happy to see him, of course. He had a really fantastic arsenal and gave me enough room for an easy escape. We had attracted a pretty big crowd, but we got out fast. We pooled our resources and raided some empty houses until we got up a good base camp. It’s been much easier since we’ve been working together. Everything is pretty touch and go computer-wise, but I think being able to get something out on the Internet will be worthwhile.

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